
  • Twisted Sobriety : Fab Fables #12

    She sat there, numb, clutching her phone tightly. Her eyes frozen and cheeks stained with tears. It seemed that heartbeat had completely lost its sense of rhythm. Her phone rang again. She hated it. After all, it was the same…

  • Only Mine : Fab Fables #10

      “Please, send him on time. Please God.” She opened her eyes and looked around. He was fast asleep and his phone and wallet were lying on the side table. She tiptoed towards his side of the bed and picked…

  • Batman Returns : Fab Fables #11

    He could not see any reason for the huge congestion that had been paralyzing the entire afternoon traffic. It was June—the month which put even hell to shame. Scorching Sun at 45 to 47 degree, a nebulous blanket of sand…

  • The Full Moon : Fab Fables #9

    Nagu Raj was infuriated. For the past three days he had been trying to get in touch with Howard. Agreed, Howard was his prized tenant, but there had to be some decency, some protocols in life. After all, returning a…

  • Blind Sight : Fabfables #8

    It was getting dark. With every passing minute, the sun assumed a darker shade of amber. It was getting crowded. People from all walks of life and age groups were walking, jogging or chit chatting. Seated on a bench, he…

  • The Puppet : Fab Fables #7

    ‘Shit’ Rahul cursed the alarm clock for failing him yet gain and the sun for showing up so early. He jumped out of his bed and ran towards the washroom. Why did he get tempted to sleep for an extra…

  • The Doll : Fab Fables #6

    It was Diwali time. There was nip in the air. He buttoned up his shirt. Stopping at a traffic light on MG road, his mind started mulling over the same thought. Involuntarily, his right hand moved from the handle of…

  • Sleep Comes Like A Drug : Fab Fables #5

    It was July. This time, the monsoon was heavy and the moisture-laden air had dampened everything. But for the streak of yellow light originating from the street lamp, the room was dark.   He got up again with his toe…

  • The Tenth Spot : Fab Fables #4

    It was a big day for him—a very special Sunday. With adrenaline pumping, he was finding it hard to wait for the designated hour. Within the privacy of his mind, he had spent days and hours rearranging his living room,…

  • Boys Don’t Cry : Fab Fables #3

    The last few days had been real tough. Everywhere he went, home to school, soccer classes to shopping, it was the same. He had been experiencing the same anguish, repeatedly, for the past eight years. Today was the day he…

  • What’s in a name : Fab Fables #2

    The old battered Samsung phone vibrated. It was an unknown number. Not again! Something told Niharika that it would be one of the unwanted calls, which she dreaded. She cursed every single man and disconnected the call. Ever since she…

  • The Nest : Fab Fables #1

    She looked around and took a deep breath. After all the bellowing and angst filled moments, finally everything was packed. Her friends had suggested to hire movers and packers as they knew how to pack and that would reduce her…