ahmedabad culture
Ahmedabad Art Weekly 53
Feb 26, 2016
Ahmedabad Sunni Waqf Committee coridally invites all fellow citizens to celebrate the 605th Birthday of Ahmadabad in Jamma Mosque, Ahmedabad A Get Together Lets meet and recollect the history connected to OUR City. Interesting and little known facts will be…
F. N. Souza – works on paper
Jan 22, 2016
“Renaissance painters painted man and women making them look like angels, I paint for angels to show them what men and women really look like.” – Francis Newton Souza What can be more bold start of 2016 for Ahmedabad than an…
Khadia – a city within a city
Yatra Archives

Aug 21, 2019
A children’s book about a boy who feels like a girl. And about a child brought up by grandfathers. These are some of the stories published by Tulika Books, who have been making children’s picture books since 23 years. Little…

Apr 2, 2020
While the lockdown has ignited various trends on social media, one that has received a major global following is #DalgonaCoffee. With thousands of posts on its name, here’s all you need to know about the Dalgona Coffee wave. I first…

Nov 5, 2019
Did you ever wonder where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ characters got their names from? Well, your search is complete. Here is a brief introduction of the artists from whom the creators of TMNT took inspiration. Teenage mutant ninja turtles,…

May 24, 2019
In this piece 64 year old Dr Yatin Desai, shares with CY his inspiring story of how to scale towering mountains with utmost ease and how this life adventure activity can shape human character and health. Chances are high that…