Search Results for: India in theatre Gujarat Photo Festival 2016

For everyone with a camera, vision, and love for art, opportunity is knocking. Hear hear! Gujarat Photo Festival is just around the corner. Register. Learn. Display your skills. Appreciate. Block your dates 31st March to 3rd April, at Satya Art… Amazing Amdavad Photo Walk

A brilliant way to explore the old city and connect to the roots and traditions of this medieval city. The walk is curated and hosted by Ashish Mehta, who is a resident of old city of Ahmedabad, and has spent… Code Mantra – gujarati play

ARTISTS Sneha Desai, Pratap Sachdev, Rajesh Soni, Pratim Parekh, Alpesh Dixit, Suraj Vyas, Amit Soni, Sandeep Sharma, Rakesh Bansode, Nehaal Upadhyay, Valentine Fernandes Code Mantra is an engaging courtroom drama set up against the background of the Indian Army. Already… Chanakya

A political stage drama that explores the philosophy and principles of the great economist and political reformer ‘Chanakya’. Adapted for stage by the talented actor Manoj Joshi. The play is a massive hit and it continues to enrich the audiences… Are O’Henry

DIRECTOR Salim Arif WRITER Gulzar ARTISTS Nisar Khan, Neetu Pandey, Amit Jairath, Jamaal Khan, Akriti Singh, Lubna Salim Gulzar’s ‘Arre O’Henry’ Directed by Salim Arif O’Henry has been a prolific American short-story writer, a master of surprise endings, who wrote… Samudramanthan

The team that gave us brilliant plays like ‘Akoopar’ and ‘Kasturba’ is back with a thrilling fairytale. This one promises to usher in a new genre of adventure in the Gujarati Theatre. The play is directed by Aditi Desai and… The W- Trunk Exhibition

A wonderful flea market setup by The W- Trunk team, a great opportunity to be take the women in your life out and celebrate the Women’s Day Weekend.